Well, things are getting about as exciting here as watching paint dry. But the good news is, an apartment has been acquired! So, on Monday the 16th of December, the ol’ monkeywright will be moving along to his very own Hollywood Studio apartment. In the interim, I leave you this paltry message. I know, I know. I’ve been a bit like an alcoholic stepfather lately, eh? Not paying attention to the kids, just kind of patting you on the head as I walk by. I am a righ Bastard.

I apologize.

How about this? I’ll give you an all new short story by the end of next week? Or maybe an essay? or both?

In the meantime, I recommend going out to read the following books if ou haven’t already:

Bones of the Moon by Jonathon Carroll

It by Stephen King

You Shall Know Our Velocity! by Dave Eggers

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by JK Rowling.

So there. At least you have something to do.

Now go back to your rooms. Daddy’s having his alone time with the bottle.

I kid, I kid. Drinking is awful.

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