I’m about to dive into heavy edits on my next novel, due out from Perfect Edge Books. I’m still thinking about the perfect title for it, and I’ll be shamelessly promoting it very soon.

In the meantime, here’s the latest thing keeping me awake -the novel in progress. I can’t say much, other than that it deals with a near-future Los Angeles, a girl who has extraordinary powers, even in a world of augmented humans, a post-war America that’s not a post-apocalyptic America, and an army of creatures that will hopefully give a few people nightmares. I’m drawing inspiration from all over the place. The goal is to finish the novel and then write a companion collection of short stories to expand on the characters and how society functions. Sometimes when I’m writing it, I feel like things are veering too far into the unbelievable with my protagonist, and then I see videos like this:

Anyway. Just coming up for air briefly. I’ll have a LOT more to say soon about the impending release of novel #2 once it has a title. I even have a book trailer in the works, and I’ll strive to make it better than most of the book trailers out there, which is to say, make it watchable and interesting.

ALSO: Have you seen the latest book I designed? Thunderdome Press just released Cipher Sisters. Go get a copy, you’ll be glad you did! It’s readable art.

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