And by “eagle” I mean my first novel, Angel Falls. And by “landed”, I mean… taken off. Launched. Begun its ascent to the heavens, powered only by your love and good word-of-mouth. Anyway. I’ve been meaning to blog more leading up to the novel, but things have been crazy busy here, in good and bad ways. There’s a LOT that’s about to happen. Interviews, contests, giveaways, and hopefully a new blog platform that integrates better with Joomla. This is a placeholder of sorts. A start line. A note to the world that says, hey, I just checked my blog pageviews for the first time in a long time, and I see some new hits coming, so it’s time to get busy reconnecting. Next week,, I’m going to tell you the story of the cover for Angel Falls and how it came to be, and announce another few things. I get bored by self-promotion, though,so expect rambling and comedy and funny pictures, like this one:

Are you done laughing yet? See you soon!

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