So, here’s my thoughts on ways to finish my latest screenplay: I’m going to write it by hand. Entirely by hand in a little notebook. This will allow me to write during my lunchbreaks at work, and simultaneously prevent me from doing internet searches and other things ebay-related while trying to write at home. I’ve got a new book in the works as well, but I will be relying on Microsoft Word to get me through it.

In other news, my wife and I started the South Beach diet about five days ago, and it seems to be working. I’ve dropped about four pounds already. This is Phase 1: No carbs, no sugar, no fruits. It is a giant pain in the ass, because we have to prepare every meal… just like in the olden days. Only now, we also have to be careful about what ingredients we’re using. I guess it’s nice not to be eating so much processed food, but also scary when you realize how much nasty stuff is in processed food. And as a bonus, lots of egg and chicken dishes! (Not eggs AND chicken, you know, but…)

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