Keep an eye on things here…
I think it’s time for another site redesign. Nothing major, just a few tweaks here and there to make getting around easy. I have a few new short story posts coming up in the Lost Angeles section (learn about Los Angeles Laundromats, and I see Dead People…). And as soon as (or if) my life settles down, a couple of new web projects coming up. Fun fun fun.
Today, I truly feel like a grown up citizen. I got a jury summons in the mail. Which means a day away from the office spent sitting in a tiny room downtown reading a book, most likely to be told I won’t be needed. T-minus two weeks until our new apartment…
Other than that, I’m just waiting for a few more free moments to get some script and book things together. I’m hoping to be able to report news here soon (Positive or negative) but I don’t want to jinx anything. Hold your breath!

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